The Association Applauds Congress and the Administration for Enacting the Historic America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (S.3051)
Oct 30, 2020, 3:08 PM
Today, the Association, along with the nation’s hunters, anglers, conservationists, and outdoor enthusiasts of every kind, celebrated the President’s signing of the most important fish and wildlife legislation enacted this congressional session, S. 3051, the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE Act). The bill ensures continuation of two of the most successful conservation programs in the nation’s history, with reauthorization of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and codification of the National Fish Habitat Partnership. It provides measures to combat the most pressing disease currently threatening deer species, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), through formation of a state and federal Task Force and the direction of research on CWD transmission and pathways. Among other vital provisions, the Chesapeake Bay program is reauthorized, and states are ensured the necessary authority to continue regulating types of fishing tackle based on localized effects for the next five years.
Fish and Wildlife Conservationists Praise Congress for Passing the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (S.3051)
Oct 1, 2020, 3:33 PM
Today, fish and wildlife conservation organizations applauded the historic passage of bipartisan legislation to conserve our nation’s natural resources, from fish and wildlife and their habitats to the vast multitude of species and ecosystems that will benefit from these robust restoration efforts made possible through S. 3051, The America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE Act).