Read ecosystem cards to identify and compare species' niches; then go outside to make observations of wildlife and various niches they fill.

Student Pages
Ecosystem Cards
Ecological Niche Student Sheets

In Step with STEM Resources

EPA Water Filtration Lesson 

WILD Work Job Profiles and Videos

Ecological Restoration Engineer/Scientist

Society for Ecological Restoration
Fire Behavior and Ecological Restoration


Balancing Conservation and Development: Wildlife Matters by Nature Wise
Field Works: Meet a Parks Canada Ecologist
A Career in Ecology - Frankie Clare IoZ PhD Student
Explore Ecology as a Career: Ecological Society of America
Careers in Ecology: Ecological Society of America
Info for High School Students: Ecological Society of America
The Princeton Review: Find a Career
Kids Do Ecology
Field Work: Meet a Parks Canada Ecologist
Nature Works Everywhere
Greg Asner: Ecology from the air
NOAA: OceanAGE Career Profile
NOAA: OceanAGE Career Profile

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife Biologist - Career Specialist
Wildlife Biologist: Job Description and Career Info
United States Department of Labor: Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists
FWS Careers - Wildlife Biologist
Basic Sampling Techniques - Counting Deers
Jennifer Bakke, Wildlife Biologist
Find Your Path: Wildlife Biologist
Colorado Parks & Wildlife: Biologist
Environmental Science: What is a Wildlife Biologist?
What Is a Wildlife Biologist?
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Freshwater Mussels

Wildlife Habitat Managers

United States Department of Labor: Natural Sciences Manager
United States Department of Labor: Conservation Scientists and Foresters
Wildlife Management - Careers in Action
US Fish and Wildlife Services
Managing for Wildlife Habitat on Rangeland

Ecological Restoration Engineer/Scientist

Society for Ecological Restoration
Fire Behavior and Ecological Restoration