Through activities involving language arts, social science and art experiences, coupled with community outreach and service learning applications, Flying WILD: Birds Across the Curriculum offers a bird focused approach to environmental education. Targeted for the 5th-8th grade audience, though widely adaptable, Flying WILD: Birds Across the Curriculum offers practical hands-on classroom and outdoor field investigation experiences connecting real-world experiences in bird biology, conservation, and natural history.
Take a Peek Inside...Flying WILD: Birds Across the Curriculum: An Activity Module for Grade 5-8 Educators includes these key elements:
An overview for educators
Details the importance of learning about birds and the crucial role they play in our communities. By building upon students' natural curiosity and presenting opportunities to observe and learn about birds, educators can provide enriching and meaningful experiences for students while meeting educational objectives in science, social studies, language arts, and more.
Flying WILD Conceptual Framework
Supports the principles developed by educators and wildlife conservation professionals to help guide what students and communities should know about birds and bird conservation.
Seven fun, hands-on, minds-on activities
Provide students with the opportunity to learn about basic avian biology, bird food chains, avian art, bird adaptations, bird behaviors patterns to recognize in the field, bird conservation organizations, and how to connect with local community members who are helping with bird preservation efforts.Food Chain Tag - Through participation in a predator-prey activity, students will be able to demonstrate how birds help cycle nutrients and energy through ecosystems and how poisons in a food chain affect predators.
Avian Art - Students will develop an understanding of birds' aesthetic and cultural value to people.
Adaptation Artistry - Students will be able to identify and describe the advantages of bird adaptations, and discuss the importance of adaptations to birds.
The Birding Beat - Participants test their skills at identifying birds as they take a stroll along Birding Lane.
Bird Behavior Scavenger Hunt - Students will learn to identify different behavior patterns of birds and explain their function.
Bird Heroes - Students will be able to identify and research local people who have helped preserve birds and their habitats, and describe the impact of these "bird heroes" in written and oral presentations.
Teaming Up for Birds - Students will research ways in which organizations help conserve wild birds; describe and compare the roles and accomplishments of various bird conservation organizations; and design a bird conservation organization by formulating goals, a mission, and a strategy for that organization.
"Copy Me" pages
Include activity specific pages that are easy to photocopy and use directly with students in the classroom or field.
"In Step with Science Standards" boxes
Accompany each activity and indicate the activity's specific correlations to National Science Education Standards.
Questions for reflection
Accompany each activity as a means of assessing student knowledge and attitudes as they learn more about birds and their conservation needs.
Service-Learning Connection section
Provides ideas for potential bird-related service-learning projects to help raise awareness of wildlife and conservation efforts.
Ready to attending a Flying WILD training? Click here to contact your state coordinator or city partner today!