147 results found for current search
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) The division shall take action necessary to prevent the spread of bee diseases. Bees or used beekeeping equipment found to contain the causative organisms of American foulbrood (Bacillus larvae) or European foulbrood (Streptococcus pluton) shall…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Arizona
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. If a wildlife disease is suspected or documented in freeranging or captive wildlife, the director may issue orders that are necessary to minimize or eliminate the threat from the disease. The director may also order or direct an employee of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Arkansas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) Should, upon inspection or laboratory analysis, any of the diseases described in § 2-22-106(a) be determined to exist in an apiary, it shall be the duty of the State Plant Board to cause the colony to be treated or disinfected or to destroy it,…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Regulations recommended under Section 15503 and adopted by the commission may include all of the following: (a) Routine monitoring procedures. (b) Standardized diagnostic procedures. (c) A requirement for the confirmation of the diagnosis by the…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Colorado
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(2) In case any such landowner, lessee, agent, or occupant refuses to comply with the requirements of the county pest inspector for the control or eradication of such noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases...
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Connecticut
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Nothing in this subsection or in any regulation adopted pursuant to this subsection shall affect the power of any municipality to regulate or ban the open burning of brush within its boundaries for any purpose. Notwithstanding any other provision of…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Georgia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) It is declared by the General Assembly that prescribed burning is a resource protection and land management tool which benefits the safety of the public, Georgia's forest resources, the environment, and the economy of the state. The General…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Kentucky
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of KRS 150.370, 525.130, or any other statute that may be in conflict herewith, any county fiscal court may, whenever an epidemic or potential epidemic of a disease transmissible to man and domestic animals exists…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Maine
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The director may use pesticides, including herbicides, and sanitation harvests to control insect and disease outbreaks only in response to: A. A specific threat to the functioning of a native ecosystem or managed wildlife habitat(,) B. A specific…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Subd. 2. Disinfection. (a) Containment facilities must disinfect effluent prior to discharge to public waters. The effluent required to be disinfected includes water used by a containment facility in the production of the aquatic life of concern,…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - Montana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) Whenever a publicly owned wild buffalo or wild bison from a herd that is infected with a dangerous disease enters the state of Montana on public or private land and the disease may spread to persons or livestock or whenever the presence of wild…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - New Hampshire
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The commissioner may quarantine the premises upon which there is a domestic animal or captive wildlife infected with any contagious or infectious disease, or that is suspected of being so infected, or that has been exposed to such disease, and may…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication & Reduction of Diseases - New York
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. Whenever it is jointly determined by the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Health or the Department of Agriculture and Markets, and certification is made to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation by the…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication and Reduction of Diseases - Illinois
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Department may establish separate harvest periods for the purpose of managing or eradicating disease that has been found in the deer herd. This season shall be restricted to gun or bow and arrow hunting only. The Department shall publicly…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication and Reduction of Diseases - Iowa
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. Preserve whitetail that are purchased, propagated, confined, released, or sold by a hunting preserve shall be free of diseases considered reportable for wildlife, poultry, or livestock. The department may provide for the quarantine of diseased…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication and Reduction of Diseases - Puerto Rico
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The provisions of § 241f of this title notwithstanding, any person may, with the prior authorization of the Secretary and provided he complies with any other applicable legal provision: (a) Conduct scientific or other studies and take live or dead…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication and Reduction of Diseases - Utah
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(2)(a) If the owner or person in possession of such an animal, after written notice from the department, fails to take the action ordered, the commissioner is authorized to seize and hold the animal and take action necessary to prevent the spread of…
Wildlife Diseases - Acceptable Methods of Eradication and Reduction of Diseases - Washington
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The director may require imported oyster seed to be inspected for diseases and pests. The director may specify the place of inspection. Persons importing oyster seed shall pay for the inspection costs excluding the inspector's salary.
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
In this chapter, (2) “division” means the division of the department with responsibility for agriculture; (e) The division shall adopt regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter...
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Arizona
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. If a wildlife disease is suspected or documented in freeranging or captive wildlife, the director may issue orders that are necessary to minimize or eliminate the threat from the disease.; A. In this title, unless the context otherwise requires:…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The department shall investigate all diseases of, and problems relating to, birds, mammals, or fish, and establish and maintain laboratories to assist in such investigation.; “Department” means the Department of Fish and Wildlife.; “Director” means…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Colorado
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The fish health board shall review or initiate and consider, prior to presentation to the commission for adoption, every rule which is to regulate or control, or otherwise relates to, fish health, the spread of aquatic disease within private…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Connecticut
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection shall enforce all of the laws relating to fish and wildlife of the state and shall possess all powers necessary to fulfill the duties prescribed by law with respect thereto and to bring actions…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Delaware
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Department of Agriculture is empowered to condemn and destroy any exotic avian species which is infected with a contagious or infectious disease capable of affecting poultry or has been exposed to such disease, whenever such destruction is deemed…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - District of Columbia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) Notwithstanding the licensing powers and responsibilities given to other District of Columbia agencies and officials in subchapters I-A and I-B of Chapter 28 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code, the Department of Health, as…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Florida
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The State Health Officer has the authority to declare that a threat to public health exists when the Department of Health discovers in the human or surrogate population the occurrence of an infectious disease that can be transmitted from…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Georgia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) The board shall have the authority to regulate the importation, transportation, sale, and possession of wild animals when and to the extent that the importation, transportation, sale, or possession poses a possibility of: (1) Harmful competition…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Hawaii
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) No species of aquatic life and wildlife shall be deliberately introduced by the department under this chapter into any habitat within the State, whether the introduction is from without the State into the State or from one area in the State into…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Kansas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Under the general supervision of the board and direct administration of Kansas state university, the service shall: . . . (f) provide assistance for the protection of the forest resources of the state, both public and private, from insects and…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Kentucky
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources shall promulgate administrative regulations pertaining to health requirements, eradication of diseases, importation and unique individual…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Louisiana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
H. In order for the Louisiana Department of Health to monitor molluscan shellfish-related diseases for verification and certification, the department may collect from all water bottoms, both public and private, such shellfish samples as may be…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Maine
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
It is the policy of the State to work to find and implement ways to prevent mosquito-borne diseases in a manner that minimizes risks to humans and the environment. The State, led by the department and the Department of Health and Human Services…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Maryland
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The forester shall: . . . (4) Enlist the cooperation of landowners in protection of their forests from fire, insects, and disease; (a) If a bird dies while in the possession of a permit holder, the permit holder shall freeze the bird immediately. In…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The office and its appropriate departments and divisions shall carry out the state environmental policy and in so doing they shall: . . . (12) provide for the control of insects, plant diseases, and pests, and regulate the use, and disposal of…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Michigan
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
WHEREAS, Section 1 of Article V of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 vests the executive power of the State of Michigan in the Governor(,) WHEREAS, Section 2 of Article V of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 empowers the Governor to make changes in…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(c) State wilderness areas shall be administered by the commissioner of natural resources in a manner which is consistent with the purposes of this subdivision, and shall be managed only to the extent necessary to control fire, insects, and disease,…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Mississippi
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks shall develop and implement a program for inspecting, monitoring, testing and preventing chronic wasting disease. The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks is authorized to require the chronic…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Montana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The legislature finds that significant potential exists for the spread of contagious disease to persons or livestock in Montana and for damage to persons and property by wild buffalo or bison...
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Nevada
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Director shall require the personnel of the Department to report to him or her as soon as practicable any reasonable suspicion that a communicable disease may be present in wildlife in Nevada. The Director shall, as soon as possible, inform the…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - New York
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. Whenever it is jointly determined by the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Health or the Department of Agriculture and Markets, and certification is made to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation by the…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - North Carolina
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(c1) In the event that the Executive Director finds that game carcasses or parts of game carcasses are known or suspected to carry an infectious or contagious disease that poses an imminent threat to the health or habitat of wildlife species, the…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - North Dakota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
In accordance with chapter 37-17.1, the governor may declare an animal health emergency upon determining that the wildlife of this state are at risk from diseases imported by foreign animals, a foreign animal disease, bioterrorism event, or an…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Northern Mariana Islands
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) The Director of Natural Resources shall administer the provisions of the plant and animal quarantine controls, quarantines and regulations. (b) Agricultural quarantine inspectors may be appointed by the Governor, and shall, under the direction of…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Ohio
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(A) The chief of the division of wildlife may adopt, amend, and rescind such rules as the chief considers necessary to control or eradicate parasites and diseases of game birds, game quadrupeds other than...
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Oklahoma
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. 1. The State Board of Health may adopt such rules as it deems necessary for the quarantine, isolation, impounding, immunization and disposal of an animal to prevent and control any zoonotic disease. Rules of the Board shall consider, but not be…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Oregon
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1) The State Fish and Wildlife Commission shall, by rule, establish a program to protect all finfish and shellfish in waters of this state, both public and private, from infection by the introduction of detrimental fish diseases...
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Pennsylvania
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Any white pines, currants or gooseberries within the State which are found to be infected with white pine blister rust are hereby declared a public nuisance, and any such diseased plants, and any and all wild plants of the genera Ribes and…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Puerto Rico
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
It is hereby stated and reiterated that the public policy of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico seeks to protect, preserve and conserve the coral reefs along the territorial waters of Puerto Rico for the benefit and enjoyment of this and future…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Rhode Island
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The director of environmental management shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To supervise and control the protection, development, planning, and utilization of the natural resources of the state, such resources, including, but not limited…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - South Carolina
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(A) The department, after consulting with the State Livestock-Poultry Health Commission and the United States Department of Agriculture Veterinarian in Charge for South Carolina and after a reasonable attempt at landowner notification, may carry out…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - South Dakota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
If written notice is given to the owner or keeper of any animal that a quarantine is established, the Animal Industry Board may take any action necessary to control, prevent, suppress and eradicate any contagious, infectious, epidemic and…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Tennessee
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) The executive director or the executive director's designees may use any chemical, biological substance, poison or device under controlled conditions to capture or kill any bird or animal for scientific, propagating, enforcement, humane or rescue…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Texas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(g) The commission may adopt rules to control a disease or agent of disease transmission that: (1) may affect penaeid shrimp species(,) and (2) has the potential to affect cultured species or other aquatic species.;
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Texas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Wildlife Board and Division of Wildlife Resources are responsible for determining the species of aquatic animals which may be imported into, possessed, and transported within the state.
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Virginia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Board, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the State Veterinarian, and representatives of appropriate agriculture agencies and organizations, may promulgate regulations pertaining to diseases in…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Washington
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The commission may prohibit the introduction, transportation or transplanting of fish, shellfish, organisms, material, or other equipment which in the commission's judgment may transmit any disease or pests affecting fish or shellfish.;
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - West Virginia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
In order to protect and preserve forest resources of the State of West Virginia from ravages of bark beetles, defoliators, rusts, blights, wilts and other destructive forest pests and diseases, and thereby enhance the growth and maintenance of…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority & Jurisdiction - Wisconsin
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(2) Departmental rules(,) studies(,) surveys(,) services(,) powers(,) long-range planning. The department may promulgate such rules, inaugurate such studies, investigations and surveys, and establish such services as it deems necessary to carry out…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority and Jurisdiction - Idaho
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) Pursuant to this act, the governor may issue executive orders and proclamations and amend or rescind such orders and proclamations. Executive orders and proclamations have the force and effect of law. A disaster emergency may be declared by…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority and Jurisdiction - Illinois
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
§ 1. The Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, United States Department of the Interior, covering cooperation with funds, facilities and personnel…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority and Jurisdiction - Indiana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Sec. 1. The department may do the following: (1) Investigate, compile, and disseminate information and make recommendations concerning the natural resources of Indiana and their conservation, including the following: . . . (G) The prevention and…
Wildlife Diseases - Authority and Jurisdiction - Iowa
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The department shall develop, administer, and enforce hunting preserve programs and requirements, which implement the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted by the department pursuant to section 484C.3, regarding fencing, recordkeeping,…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement & Penalties - District of Columbia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(h) Wildlife expressing symptoms of disease shall be taken to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator or surrendered to the Animal Care and Control Agency for evaluation and assessment. Outbreaks or potential widespread occurrence of suspect diseases, such…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement & Penalties - Northern Mariana Islands
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
any regulations issued under the article shall upon conviction, be imprisoned for not more than six months or fined not more than $2,000 or both. (b) Civil Penalty. The chief may assess against any person violating any of the provisions of this…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement & Penalties - Utah
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) A person who owns or has possession of an animal and knows that the animal is infected with, or has been exposed to, any contagious or infectious disease may not: (a) permit the animal to run at large or come in contact with an animal that can be…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement & Penalties - Washington
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(8) Forest practices applications or notifications are not required for forest practices conducted to control exotic forest insect or disease outbreaks, when conducted by or under the direction of the department of agriculture in carrying out an…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) A forest landowner may not conduct or approve timber clearing activities that create conditions fostering outbreaks of infestation or infection that threaten forest resources on forest land belonging to another person. If the commissioner finds,…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Arizona
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. If a wildlife disease is suspected or documented in freeranging or captive wildlife, the director may issue orders that are necessary to minimize or eliminate the threat from the disease. The director may also order or direct an employee of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Arkansas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a)(1) For the enforcement of this chapter, the apiary inspector shall have, where any apiary is located or any bees, combs, or apiary appliances are kept, the authority to enter upon any private or public premises with right of access, ingress, and…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The department may enter, under an inspection warrant issued pursuant to Title 5 (commencing with Section 1822.50) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure, at any time, any car, warehouse, depot, ship, or growing area where any aquatic plants or…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Colorado
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The inspector shall cooperate with the commissioner in locating infestations of noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases(,) make an annual report of known infestations of noxious weeds, insect pests, or plant diseases and compile data on…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Connecticut
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(d) Until such time as regulations are adopted pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, any person may import one or more reindeer into the state during the period commencing on Thanksgiving Day of each year and ending on the immediately following…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Georgia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The General Assembly finds and declares that it is in the public interest to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare by strictly regulating in this state the importation, transportation, sale, transfer, and possession of those wild animals…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Idaho
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(e) Duties and Powers of Director. . . 5. (A) The director, or any person appointed by him in writing to do so, may take wildlife of any kind, dead or alive, or import the same, subject to such conditions, restrictions and rules as he may provide,…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Illinois
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
§ 2.2a. Invasive and exotic wild animals. The Department may prohibit or limit the importation, possession, release into the wild, take, commercialization of take, sale, and propagation of wild mammals, wild birds, and feral livestock that are not…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Iowa
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
All ungulates which are purchased, propagated, confined, released, or sold by a licensed hunting preserve shall be free of diseases considered significant for wildlife, poultry, or livestock. The department of agriculture and land stewardship shall…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Kentucky
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources shall promulgate administrative regulations pertaining to health requirements, eradication of diseases, importation and unique individual…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person shall not bring or cause to be brought into the commonwealth any live bird or mammal protected by this chapter, or any member of the family sciuridae of the order rodentia or any member of the order lagomorpha or any other member of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person shall not bring or cause to be brought into the commonwealth any live bird or mammal protected by this chapter, or any member of the family sciuridae of the order rodentia or any member of the order lagomorpha or any other member of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Michigan
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Sec. 18. (a) All injurious insect pests and plant diseases which are liable to spread to other plants, plant products or places to the injury thereof, or to the injury of man and animals, and all trees, shrubs, vines, fruit plants, cuttings, scions,…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) Aquatic farms are licensed to culture private aquatic life. Cultured aquatic life is not wildlife. Aquatic farms must be licensed and given classifications to prevent or minimize impacts on natural resources. The purpose of sections 17.4981 to…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Mississippi
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Governor of the State of Mississippi, when advised by the Board of Animal Health that an emergency exists due to the presence of foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, or other contagious or infectious diseases of…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Montana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person, firm, or corporation that violates any provision of this part pertaining to fish disease or rules or orders of the department is liable for damages caused by the violation. The damages may be recovered by the person, firm, or corporation…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - New Hampshire
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
I. The state veterinarian, or the designee of the state veterinarian, shall not be guilty of criminal trespass pursuant to RSA 635:2 when providing vaccines or treatment to wildlife on private property...
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - New York
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. The commissioner shall take such action as he may deem necessary to control or eradicate any injurious insects, noxious weeds, or plant diseases existing within the state. 2. All trees, shrubs, plants and vines or other material, including soil…
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Oklahoma
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
2. Public officers and employees acting within the scope of their authority in implementing or enforcing any such order, or rules promulgated for the control of zoonotic disease, shall not be held liable for damages...
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Oregon
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The State Fish and Wildlife Commission shall, by rule, establish a program to protect all finfish and shellfish in waters of this state, both public and private, from infection by the introduction of detrimental fish diseases...
Wildlife Diseases - Enforcement and Penalties - Rhode Island
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person who willfully sells or offers to sell, uses, exposes, or causes or permits to be sold, offered for sale, used or exposed, any horse or other animal having the disease known as glanders or farcy, or other contagious or infectious disease…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A permit is required to place fish on public or private land or water in any watershed above an established public or private fish hatchery. The department shall deny the permit if there is evidence that water quality and potential disease transfers…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Florida
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) Each biological product intended for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes for animals which is manufactured for sale or sold in the state shall first be officially approved by the United States Department of Agriculture and shall have written…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Indiana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Sec. 4. (a) A permit may be granted only upon satisfactory proof that the specific animals intended to be imported meet the following conditions: (1) The animals are free of a communicable disease at the time of importation. . .
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Kentucky
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(6) No person shall import or transport into the State of Kentucky or receive shipment in the state from without the state, any live fish or wildlife without first procuring from the department a written fish transportation permit or wildlife…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Maine
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. Issuance. The commissioner may grant permits to import live mallard ducks, quail, Chukar partridge and Hungarian partridge to operators of commercial shooting areas. 2. Application. When requesting permission to import these birds, an importer…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Maryland
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(c)(1) The Department, by regulation, shall govern and prescribe the size of the area, the method of hunting, the open and closed seasons, the release, possession, and use of propagated wildlife, and any reports the Department deems necessary. (2)…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person shall not bring or cause to be brought into the commonwealth any live bird or mammal protected by this chapter, or any member of the family sciuridae of the order rodentia or any member of the order lagomorpha or any other member of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Michigan
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) No person shall sell, barter, offer for sale, or move, transport, deliver, ship, or offer for shipment, into or within this state any living insects in any stage of their development, or living fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses or other living…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Subd. 3. Taking, possessing, and transporting wild animals for certain purposes. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), special permits may be issued without a fee to take, possess, and transport wild animals as pets and for scientific,…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Montana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The public hunting of wild buffalo or bison that have been designated as a species in need of disease control under 81-2-120 is permitted only when authorized by the department of livestock under the provisions set forth in 81-2-120. (2) The…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - South Carolina
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(5) It is unlawful for a person to release in the wild any pen-raised wild turkey unless that person is granted a permit to do so by the department. These permits are made after the department has caused a thorough study of the area on which…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - U.S. Virgin Islands
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Commissioner is authorized to issue permits to persons in possession of indigenous species, allowing them to retain such species for the treatment of injury or disease, propagation, or any other purpose consistent with the preservation,…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Vermont
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) A person shall not import or possess any live animal for the purpose of taking by hunting, unless the Commissioner has issued the person an importation and possession permit. The Fish and Wildlife Board shall adopt rules necessary to establish,…
Wildlife Diseases - Permitting Provisions - Washington
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The department may not authorize a person to import oysters or oyster seed into this state for the purpose of planting them in state waters without a permit from the director. The director shall issue a permit only after an adequate inspection has…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) The division shall investigate reported cases of diseased bees and cases of diseased bees discovered by the division.; (a) The department shall order the quarantine or the destruction and disposal of diseased hatchery stock or of aquatic farm…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Arizona
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. The department shall test all cloven-hoofed wildlife it introduces or imports into this state, and all cloven-hoofed big game transported and released in this state for the purpose of creating new or expanding existing populations, for presence of…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Arkansas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a)(1) Whenever an apiary has been inspected and found apparently free from American foulbrood or other dangerous, contagious, or infectious bee diseases, and all other provisions of this chapter have been complied with, a certificate of inspection…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Reports of those diseases and parasites compiled pursuant to Section 15500 shall be immediately forwarded by the director to the Aquaculture Disease Committee and shall be promptly investigated by the department.; If the department finds any…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Colorado
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1) The county pest inspector shall give notice by radio, newspaper, or any other means of communication to the owner, lessee, agent, or occupant of any lands within a district on which noxious weeds...
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Florida
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(3) An animal control officer operating under s. 828.27, a wildlife officer operating under s. 379.3311, or an animal disease laboratory operating under s. 585.61 shall report knowledge of any animal bite, diagnosis of disease in an animal, or…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Georgia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) “Cervid” means a member of the family cervidae. (2) “Chronic wasting disease” means a fatal disease that belongs to a group of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and that…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Iowa
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. Preserve whitetail that are purchased, propagated, confined, released, or sold by a hunting preserve shall be free of diseases considered reportable for wildlife, poultry, or livestock. The department may provide for the quarantine of diseased…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Maine
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The Director of the Bureau of Health shall assess regularly whether any health threats exist for persons consuming freshwater and anadromous fish caught in state waters by noncommercial anglers. The assessment must be based on appropriate technical…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
If the director, upon examination of any fish, bird, mammal, reptile or amphibian held in possession either by persons licensed or required to be licensed under the provisions of section twenty-three, except dealers licensed both under clause (4) of…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Michigan
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Sec. 23. The commissioner of agriculture when he shall find that there exists in any other state, territory, or district, or part thereof any dangerous plant disease or insect infestation with reference to which the secretary of agriculture of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Subdivision 1. Disastrous animal disease outbreaks(,) declaration of emergency. (a) If the board determines that a confirmed case of a disease in this state presents a substantial and imminent threat to the state's domestic animal population, it…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Mississippi
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks shall develop and implement a program for inspecting, monitoring, testing and preventing chronic wasting disease. The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks...
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Nevada
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
1. The Department shall, if necessary or if a complaint is made to the Department, cause an inspection to be conducted of any premises, land, means of conveyance or article of any person in this State if it is found to be infested with any pest,…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - New Hampshire
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Whenever the commissioner, upon investigation or upon notification, has reason to believe that a domestic animal or captive wildlife is infected with a contagious or infectious disease the commissioner shall immediately cause it to be quarantined or…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Northern Mariana Islands
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) All animals and plants or parts thereof, including seeds, fruits, vegetables, and cuttings, entering or transported within the Commonwealth are subject to inspection by agricultural quarantine inspectors and may be refused entry into or movement…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Ohio
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(F) If the state veterinarian determines that a dangerous wild animal or restricted snake that was quarantined or transferred under division (A) of this section is infected with or exposed to a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or is…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Oklahoma
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. Whenever the State Veterinarian finds that an emergency exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health or welfare or to protect farmed or native cervidae from any animal disease or pest, the State Veterinarian may without notice or…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - South Dakota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Any person who discovers, suspects, or has reason to believe that any animal is affected with, or has been exposed to, any contagious, infectious, epidemic, or communicable disease, shall promptly report to the Animal Industry Board. The board may…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Texas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) In this section: (1) “DNA” means deoxyribonucleic acid. (2) “Genetic test” means a laboratory analysis of a deer's genes, gene products, or chromosomes that: (A) analyzes the deer's DNA, RNA, proteins, or chromosomes(,) and
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Washington
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The director shall supervise the prevention of the spread and the suppression of infectious, contagious, communicable, and dangerous diseases affecting animals within, in transit through, and imported into the state.
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - West Virginia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) Establishing control zone(,) notice to landowners.--Where an insect infestation or disease infection is believed to exist on a forest land within this State, the director shall investigate the condition. Whenever he finds that an infestation or…
Wildlife Diseases - Process of Inspection - Wisconsin
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) The department may manage, and provide funding to conduct testing for, chronic wasting disease in cervids. (2) If the department designates an area as a chronic wasting disease eradication zone, the department shall provide notice and information…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - Northern Mariana Islands
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
The landing of any animal for the purpose of inspection or quarantine is not an entry into the Commonwealth. If, in the opinion of the chief, it is necessary or proper to quarantine any animal, he may so order at the expense of the owner, importer,…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Except for those diseases in the list compiled pursuant to Section 15500, infected plants or animals shall not be quarantined or destroyed, unless the director, in consultation with the Aquaculture Disease Committee...
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - District of Columbia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) In order further to control and eradicate and to prevent the dissemination of dangerous plant diseases and insect infections and infestations, no plant or plant products for or capable of propagation, including nursery stock, hereinafter referred…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - Texas
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(f) A fish farmer may not import, possess, propagate, or transport exotic shellfish unless the fish farmer furnishes evidence required by the department showing that the shellfish are free of disease.;
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - Utah
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) A person who owns or has possession of an animal and knows that the animal is infected with, or has been exposed to, any contagious or infectious disease may not: (a) permit the animal to run at large or come in contact with an animal that can be…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities & Actions - West Virginia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
No person shall transport into or have in his possession within this State any live wildlife or viable eggs thereof from without the State, except as authorized by an importation permit issued by the director: Provided, that the director shall not be…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) A forest landowner may not conduct or approve timber clearing activities that create conditions fostering outbreaks of infestation or infection that threaten forest resources on forest land belonging to another person.;
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Colorado
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(1) It is unlawful for any person to possess, transport, import, or export any live native or nonnative fish or viable gametes (eggs or sperm) except in accordance with the rules and regulations of the commission....
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Iowa
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
It shall be unlawful except as otherwise provided for any person, firm or corporation, to bring into the state of Iowa for the purpose of propagating or introducing, or to place or introduce into any of the inland or boundary waters of the state, any…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Louisiana
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A. The cutting or harvesting of timber within one hundred feet of the ordinary low water mark of a natural and scenic or historic and scenic river provided for in this Part is prohibited except as follows: . . .
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Maine
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
C. Except as provided in this paragraph, there may be no direct discharge of pollutants to Class AA waters. . . . (4) Discharges of aquatic pesticides approved by the department for the control of mosquito-borne diseases in the interest of public…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Massachusetts
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
A person shall not bring or cause to be brought into the commonwealth any live bird or mammal protected by this chapter, or any member of the family sciuridae of the order rodentia or any member of the order lagomorpha or any other member of the…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Michigan
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) No person shall sell, barter, offer for sale, or move, transport, deliver, ship, or offer for shipment, into or within this state any living insects in any stage of their development, or living fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses or other living…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
Subd. 8. Importation of hunter-harvested Cervidae. Importation into Minnesota of hunter-harvested Cervidae carcasses from known chronic wasting disease endemic areas, as determined by the Board of Animal Health, is prohibited except for cut and…
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - Oklahoma
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully fail or refuse to comply with a lawful order of the State Commissioner of Health declaring a quarantine, isolation, impounding, immunization or disposal.;
Wildlife Diseases - Prohibited Activities and Actions - South Carolina
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(5) It is unlawful for a person to release in the wild any pen-raised wild turkey unless that person is granted a permit to do so by the department. These permits are made after the department has caused a thorough study of the area on which…
Wildlife Diseases - Release & Exposure - West Virginia
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(b) A stocking permit is not required for the stocking of trout in waters of the state provided that the trout originate from a source within the state or meet the disease-free certification requirements for imported salmondiae set forth in section…
Wildlife Diseases - Release and Exposure - Alaska
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(d) A quarantine imposed under this section may not be removed until infected bees and used beekeeping equipment are destroyed or the division determines through testing that the used beekeeping equipment is free of the disease.;
Wildlife Diseases - Release and Exposure - California
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
No person may move, or allow to be moved, any of the aquatic plants or animals which are subject to a quarantine established pursuant to Section 15505 across the quarantine line which is established, unless the person has first obtained a permit from…
Wildlife Diseases - Release and Exposure - Minnesota
(Wildlife Disease and Rehab)
(a) The commissioner shall dispose of fish hatchery products or exchange fish or wildlife resources only after they have been tested for certifiable diseases. The testing must have been completed within the 12 months preceding the disposal or…