...(e) With respect to any threatened or endangered species of aquatic life, wildlife, or land plant, it is unlawful, except as provided in subsections (f), (g), and (j) for any person to:
(1) Export any such species from this State;
(2) Take any such species within this State;
(3) Possess, process, sell, offer for sale, deliver, carry, transport, or ship, by any means whatsoever, any such species;
(4) Violate any rule pertaining to the conservation of the species listed pursuant to this section and adopted by the department pursuant to this chapter; or
(5) Violate the terms of, or fail to fulfill the obligations imposed and agreed to under, any license issued under subsection (f), (g), or (j) any habitat conservation plan authorized under section 195D-21, or any safe harbor agreement authorized under section 195D-22...
Citation: HRS § 195D-4.
...“Take” means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect endangered or threatened species of aquatic life or wildlife, or to cut, collect, uproot, destroy, injure, or possess endangered or threatened species of aquatic life or land plants, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct...
Citation: HRS § 195D-2.
(a) The department shall conduct research on indigenous aquatic life, wildlife, and land plants, and on endangered species and their associated ecosystems, and shall utilize the land acquisition and other authority vested in the department to carry out programs for the conservation, management, and protection of such species and their associated ecosystems. In addition, the department is hereby authorized to acquire by purchase, donation or otherwise, lands or interests therein needed to carry out the programs relating to the intent and purpose of this chapter.
(b) The office of the governor shall review other programs administered by the department and, to the extent practicable, utilize such programs in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter. The governor or the governor's authorized representative shall also encourage all federal agencies to utilize their authority in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter. All other state agencies shall use their authority in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter by:
(1) Carrying out programs for the protection of threatened and endangered species; and
(2) Taking such action as may be necessary to ensure that actions authorized, funded, or carried out by them do not jeopardize the continued existence of threatened or endangered species...
(d) In carrying out programs authorized by this section, priority shall be given to the conservation and protection of those endangered aquatic life, wildlife, and land plant species and their associated ecosystems, whose extinction within the State would imperil or terminate, respectively, their existence in the world.
(e) The department shall coordinate with the natural area reserves commission and the animal species advisory commission all research, investigations, lists of indigenous and endangered aquatic life, wildlife, and land plants, and programs for the conservation, management, enhancement, and protection of species that are authorized by this chapter...
Citation: HRS § 195D-5.
The department may authorize the release or establishment of any population, including eggs, propagules, or individuals, of an endangered or threatened species outside its current or historic range, after consulting with the endangered species recovery committee, if the release or establishment is likely to further the conservation of the species.
Citation: HRS § 195D-29.
(a) No person shall sell, offer to sell, purchase, trade, possess with intent to sell, or barter for any part or product from the following animal family, genus, or species: elephant (Elephantidae), rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae), tiger (Panthera tigris), great ape (Hominoidea), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), lion (Panthera leo), pangolin (Manis), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), jaguar (Panthera onca), or leopard (Panthera pardus).
(b) Unless otherwise authorized by federal law including the Marine Mammal Protection Act, 16 United States Code, chapter 31, no person shall sell, offer to sell, purchase, trade, possess with intent to sell, or barter for any part or product from the following marine family, genus, or species: sea turtle (Chelonioidea), monk seal (Neomonachus), narwhal (Monodon monoceros), whale (Cetacea), or walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) insofar as the species, subspecies, or distinct population segment is listed:
(1) On appendix I or II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species; or
(2) As endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
(c) Unless otherwise authorized by federal law including the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. section 1851 et seq.) as amended, no person shall sell, offer to sell, purchase, trade, possess with intent to sell, or barter for any part or product from rays and sharks (Elasmobranchii) insofar as the species is listed:
(1) On appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species; or
(2) As endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
Citation: HRS § 183D-66.