...C. The director may authorize by permit the taking, possession, transportation, exportation or shipment of species or subspecies which have been deemed by the commission to be in need of management as provided in the Wildlife Conservation Act, so long as such use is for scientific, zoological or educational purposes, for propagation in captivity of such wildlife or to protect private property.
D. Endangered species may be removed, captured or destroyed where necessary to alleviate or prevent damage to property or to protect human health. Such removal, capture or destruction may be carried out only by prior authorization by permit from the director, unless otherwise provided by law; provided, that endangered species may be removed, captured or destroyed without permit by any person in emergency situations involving an immediate threat to human life or private property. Regulations governing the removal, capture or destruction of endangered species shall be adopted by the commission within one year after the effective date of the Wildlife Conservation Act.
Citation: N. M. S. A. 1978, § 17-2-42.
...E. The department may by permit allow collection otherwise prohibited by this section for scientific purposes or to enhance the propagation or survival of the affected species by transplanting or other means, but such permit shall not authorize any action that would violate federal laws or regulations...
Citation: N. M. S. A. 1978, § 75-6-1.