Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
Citation: I.C.A. § 481B.10.
...3. Rules adopted by the commission shall provide for methods used to determine the extent of an injury (arising from pollution) and the monetary values for the loss of injured wild animals based on species.
a. The rules shall provide for methods used to count dead fish and to calculate restitution values. The rules may incorporate methods and values published by the American fisheries society. To every extent practicable, the values shall be based on the estimates of lost recreational angler opportunities where applicable. As an alternative method of valuation, the rules may provide that for fish species that are protected by catch limits, possession limits, size limits, or closed seasons applicable to anglers, liquidated damages apply. The amount of the liquidated damages shall not exceed fifteen dollars per fish. For fish species that are classified by the commission as endangered or threatened, the rules may establish liquidated damages not to exceed one thousand dollars per fish.
b. The rules shall provide guidelines for estimating the extent of loss of a species that is affected by a pollution incident but which would not be practical to count in sample areas. The rules may establish liquidated damage amounts for species whose replacement cost is difficult to determine.
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.151.
1. In addition to the penalties for violations of this chapter and chapters 350, 461A, 481B, and 482, a person convicted of unlawfully selling, taking, catching, killing, injuring, destroying, or having in possession any animal, shall reimburse the state for the value of such as follows:...
f. For each animal classified by the commission as an endangered or threatened species, one thousand dollars...
Citation: I.C.A. § 481A.130.