§ 5-25. Value of protected species; violations.--
(a) Any person who, for profit or commercial purposes, knowingly captures or kills, possesses, offers for sale, sells, offers to barter, barters, offers to purchase, purchases, delivers for shipment, ships, exports, imports, causes to be shipped, exported, or imported, delivers for transportation, transports or causes to be transported, carries or causes to be carried, or receives for shipment, transportation, carriage, or export any aquatic life, in part or in whole of any of the species protected by this Code, contrary to the provisions of the Code, and that aquatic life, in whole or in part, is valued at or in excess of a total of $300, as per species value specified in subsection (c) of this Section, commits a Class 3 felony.
A person is guilty of a Class 4 felony if convicted under this Section for more than one violation within a 90-day period if the aquatic life involved in each violation are not valued at or in excess of $300 but the total value of the aquatic life involved with the multiple violations is at or in excess of $300. The prosecution for a Class 4 felony for these multiple violations must be alleged in a single charge or indictment and brought in a single prosecution.
Any person who violates this subsection (a) when the total value of species is less than $300 commits a Class A misdemeanor except as otherwise provided.
(b) Possession of aquatic life, in whole or in part, captured or killed in violation of this Code, valued at or in excess of $600, as per species value specified in subsection (c) of this Section, shall be considered prima facie evidence of possession for profit or commercial purposes.
(c) For purposes of this Section, the fair market value or replacement cost, whichever is greater, must be used to determine the value of the species protected by this Code, but in no case shall the minimum value of all aquatic life and their hybrids protected by this Code, whether dressed or not dressed, be less than the following:...
(6) For each species listed on the federal or State endangered and threatened species list, and for lake and pallid sturgeon, $150 per animal in whole or in part.
Citation: 515 ILCS 5/5-25.
§ 8. Any officer or agent authorized by the Department or any police officer of the State or of any unit of local government within the State of Illinois, may execute any warrant to search for and seize any goods, merchandise or animals, plants, or animal or plant products sold or offered for sale in violation of this Act, or any property or item used in connection with a violation of this Act, or to examine premises for determination of actions in violation of this Act. Seized goods, merchandise, animals, plants or their products shall be held pending proceedings in the circuit court. Upon conviction, such seized goods, merchandise or animals, plants, or their products shall be forfeited and, upon forfeiture, either offered to a recognized institution for scientific or educational purposes, or if a suitable depository is not located for such items, they shall be destroyed.
Citation: 520 ILCS 10/8.