...(1) “Management” means the collection and application of biological information for the purposes of increasing the number of individuals within species and populations of wildlife up to the optimum carrying capacity of their habitat and maintaining such levels. The term includes the entire range of activities that constitute a modern, scientific resource program including, but not limited to, research, census, law enforcement, habitat acquisition and improvement, and education. Also included within the term, when and where appropriate, is the periodic or total protection of species or populations. “Management” may include artificial propagation to maintain threatened or endangered species populations, in concert with the exercise of water rights, and may also include restriction of stocking of species which are in competition with threatened or endangered species for the available habitat.
Citation: C.R.S.A. § 33-2-103.
...(12) “Endangered species” means any species or subspecies of native wildlife whose prospects for survival or recruitment within this state are in jeopardy as determined by the commission...
(23) “Game wildlife” means those wildlife species which may be lawfully hunted or taken for food, sport, or profit and which are classified as game wildlife by the commission...
(29) “Nongame wildlife” means all native species and subspecies of wildlife which are not classified as game wildlife by rule or regulation of the commission...
(44) “Threatened species” means any species or subspecies of wildlife which, as determined by the commission, is not in immediate jeopardy of extinction but is vulnerable because it exists in such small numbers or is so extremely restricted throughout all or a significant portion of its range that it may become endangered...
(51) “Wildlife” means wild vertebrates, mollusks, and crustaceans, whether alive or dead, including any part, product, egg, or offspring thereof, that exist as a species in a natural wild state in their place of origin, presently or historically, except those species determined to be domestic animals by rule or regulation by the commission and the state agricultural commission. Such determination within this statute shall not affect other statutes or court decisions determining injury to persons or damage to property which depend on the classification of animals by such statute or court decision as wild or domestic animals.
Citation: C.R.S.A. § 33-1-102.
...(12) “Natural resources of statewide importance” is limited to shorelands of major, publicly owned reservoirs and significant wildlife habitats in which the wildlife species, as identified by the division of parks and wildlife of the department of natural resources, in a proposed area could be endangered...
Citation: C.R.S.A. § 24-65.1-104.