Mission: To advocate for the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of our member agencies to manage fish and wildlife as public trust resources for current and future generations.
Providing conservation leadership for a sustainable, publicly supported future for fish and wildlife.
Community: We prioritize collegiality, cooperation, trust, and mutual support. Inclusiveness: We foster a culture that welcomes diverse people and ideas. Respect: We treat people with dignity, kindness, and fairness. Integrity: We are honest, reliable, and ethical. Collaboration: We work together to achieve shared goals and priorities. Excellence: We commit ourselves to exemplary work.
Strategic Goals:
Goal 1: Advocate for funding, laws, regulations, and policies that fulfill the missions and capabilities of our members.
Goal 2: Increase participation, relevancy, diversity, and inclusiveness in fish and wildlife conservation and nature-based recreation.
Goal 3: Provide leadership in developing fish and wildlife conservation science and its application in decision and policy making.
Goal 4: Attain comprehensive and dedicated funding for fish and wildlife conservation.
Goal 5 : Provide communication, training, and capacity-building to support member fish and wildlife agencies.
Goal 6: Improve fiscal and operational excellence of the Association
- Learn more about AFWA's strategic initiatives, objectives and strategies by downloading our full Strategic Plan (2020) with Addendum (2024).