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MAT’s live webinars offer an effective learning opportunity through an instructor led presentation, group discussions, and Q & A. Live webinars allow for the flexibility and accessibility of online learning with the added elements of synchronous learning and interactivity.

Webinars are offered at various times throughout the year and are usually announced on a quarterly basis. 

All of our offerings are also available upon request to individual agencies with a minimum of 16 participants required. 


Breaking Down Stressful Situations (BSS-101)

2-hour webinar

Many people believe all stress is bad, but a certain level of stress can help us grow. While examining stressful situations at work or in our personal lives we will:

  • Define forms of stress
  • Outline stress in the conscious and unconscious to clarify action
  • Learn the four greatest personal fears and how they affect stress
  • Practice uncovering deep personal judgments that often cause undue stress

Boundary Setting (BOU-101)

2-hour webinar

For many, 2020 showed us the need for creating better boundaries between work and personal lives. Our “always on” culture had blurred the lines and new work from home orders amplified the need to communicate boundaries and expectations, which are what drives behavior. Clear boundaries and expectations improve personal and professional relationships, reduce stress, improve morale and provide a powerful framework to get work done efficiently and effectively. In this webinar, we will:

  • Determine personal values as the key to creating boundaries
  • Discuss ways to develop team operating values and behaviors
  • Identify what prevents us from setting boundaries both personally and professionally
  • Make a commitment to setting at least one new boundary and discuss how to communicate it

Conflict Resolution (CFR-101)

2-hour Webinar

Conflict is inevitable and there is a simple process to guide you to shared understanding and compromise. During this webinar, we will use a personal conflict situation to help us:

  • Identify different types of conflict
  • Apply a conflict resolution model to resolve personal or professional conflict
  • Explain a process to get “unstuck” from a stressful situation
  • Illustrate similarities to two other popular conflict resolution models

Cooperative Language (COL-101)

2-hour Webinar

Progress requires cooperation. This webinar will help you identify and use language that inspires cooperation within your teams. We will practice iterative listening and will leverage reactions to statements and/or personal experiences to help us:

  • Use shared meaning to reach shared goals
  • Discuss assertive versus controlling language
  • Learn the importance of ordinal process for everyone to be heard
  • Cite at least three differences between resistant and non-resistant language

Expanding Your Leadership Reservoir: Strategies for Building Capacity (ELR-101)

2-hour webinar

This dynamic and interactive webinar is designed to redefine leadership as a renewable resource, essential for fostering both personal and organizational success. This is about moving beyond self-care toward building a system that helps people navigate challenging work while maintaining balance. Participants will delve into the distinction between self-care and capacity building, exploring how to intentionally expand their leadership "reservoir" through mindset shifts and targeted strategies. The session will emphasize the ripple effects of increased leadership capacity on team productivity, organizational culture, and long-term sustainability.

Through a combination of discussion, practical exercises, and energy management techniques, attendees will learn to recognize the signs and impacts of limited capacity, both in themselves and within their teams. They will identify personal and organizational barriers to capacity-building and gain hands-on experience with tools that promote sustainable growth in leadership.


  • Understand the distinction between self-care and capacity-building
  • Recognize the signs and impacts of limited capacity
  • Identify barriers to capacity-building
  • Learn and practice tools for expanding leadership capacity


  • Enhanced awareness of the critical role of capacity-building in sustainable leadership
  • Practical strategies for aligning high-priority tasks with personal energy peaks
  • Improved ability to foster a culture of continuous growth and resilience within teams
  • Actionable steps for integrating capacity-building practices into daily routines

Great Presentations with PowerPoint (GPP-101)

2, 2-hour webinars

This 2-part webinar series will help not only provide you with a skill set to create better PowerPoint slides, but also give you knowledge as to how people comprehend. This webinar series offers you the opportunity to improve both your PowerPoint and presentation skills.

Human Nature Connection: Building Ecowellness and Stewardship (HNC-101)

4, 2-hour webinars

Are you ready to open to people who have relationships with nature different from your own? Join us for a four-part series that will explore and challenge your beliefs about access and nature. We will consider an ecowellness model to examine our own relationship with nature and dig into environmental identity. We will contemplate ways to converse with and embrace the experiences of anyone we meet outdoors while minimizing harm. The end goal is to pursue ways to move people from tourists to explorers and advocates of our land, water, and wildlife.

This series evolved from 2020 workshops called Beyond #ResponsibleRecreation to Human-nature connection and an Ecowellness workshop held at the 2021 North American Wildlife and Natural Resources conference. Anonymous data from these past participants will be sprinkled throughout.

The first session will focus on homework reflection, self-awareness, and self-care regarding nature. We will acknowledge ways our environmental identities develop. The second session will uncover access and dive deeper into aspects of environmental identity. We will be claiming our own environmental identities in session three. We will also finish our discussion of the ecowellness model, including a gaze into transcendence and putting humans in perspective to nature. The final session will include an introduction to a nature relationship spectrum and a fishing program using the ecowellness model. It will conclude with breakouts to consider how to incorporate series concepts into agency relevancy.

What to expect:

  • A pre-homework assignment and completion of a survey with your homework reflection is required for access to the series. We will provide modifications to anyone who cannot get outside.
  • An environmental identity assignment between session 2 and 3.
  • Engagement through a combination of breakouts, polls, and chat.
  • Reflection on the previous workshop at the beginning of each new session.
  • Small mindfulness and presence activities conducted throughout.
  • A compiled list of ideas for agency relevancy discussed during the sessions.

Please note that this series was carefully designed to be effective with all four sessions.

Internal Dialogue (IND-101)

Internal dialogue gives us clues to our deepest thinking. Learning to capture and use this dialogue improves emotional intelligence and leads to better conversations. During this webinar, we will learn and practice techniques to uncover our internal dialogue. Using challenging statements and personal experiences we will:

  • Practice iterative listening
  • Capture primal thoughts and feelings
  • Turn personal triggers into useful responses
  • Explain feelings of inferiority common to all humans

Plain, Simple, and Concise Writing (PSC-101)

3, 2-hour webinars

Learn how to write your next Federal Aid report, briefing paper, or just about any other document using 25-30% fewer words, in plain English, and without losing any critical content. This webinar series includes numerous exercises to practice the techniques you learn and time to apply what you learn to one of your own documents. You will finally understand how writing in active voice uses fewer words to say what you want to say more directly and concisely. This webinar series meets three times, with homework assignments after each webinar session.

Public Involvement in Conservation (PIC-101)

2-hour Webinar

Have you ever thought about the value of working more closely with the public as you go about your work? Whose resources are we managing?Join us as we explore this idea of involving the public in our work. We’ll examine what it means, why we should consider it and then review some best practices to help us try it out. We will draw on several resources including Bleikers’ Systematic Development of Informed Consent, materials from the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2), and a book by James L. Creighton, “The Public Participation Handbook”. According to Hans Bleiker of the Institute for Participatory Management and Planning, some of our projects will be doomed without public involvement. In today’s world that is a valid and sobering concern. Many state fish and wildlife agencies use public participation techniques in a variety of ways to inform, consult, involve, collaborate and/or empower stakeholders.

Objectives Include:

  • Show why public involvement is mission-critical
  • Identify the elements of fostering relationships and successful conservation projects
  • Explore resources and best practices for public involvement

Self-Care for Conservationists (SCC-101)

2-hour Webinar

Self-care is imperative if conservationists are to be at their best to overcome the environmental and conservation challenges of today. Being your best self means prioritizing your health and wellbeing before caring for others and our land, water and air. Self-care is not selfish, it is necessary. Our self-care practices (or lack of) are influenced by deeply held beliefs, attitudes and upbringing. During this webinar, we will assess our attitudes and current situation in self-care to help us:

  • Examine what self-care and wellbeing are and are not
  • Identify personal beliefs around self-care and wellbeing
  • Determine barriers to successful self-care plans