The Human Wildlife Conflict Working Group Charge:

To assist Agencies with the growing challenges of managing human-wildlife conflicts by providing a forum for discussion and a mechanism for agencies to work together to come up with solutions to conflicts that benefit wildlife and the humans with whom they interact.

New Report: “Understanding the Management, Funding, and Staffing of Human-Wildlife Conflicts by State Fish and Wildlife Agencies”.

Human-wildlife conflicts (HWCs) are rising across the United States, with state wildlife agencies (SWAs) managing these issues under varying policies and funding mechanisms. A 2023 project, funded by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program, surveyed state wildlife professionals to understand HWC management strategies across all 50 states, revealing significant variability in statutory authorities, budgets, and staffing. The survey found that 95% of states use game and fish funds for HWC mitigation, with only a minority receiving general tax revenues or private donations, highlighting potential funding challenges due to declining hunting license sales.



Methods for Managing Human-Deer Conflicts in Urban, Suburban, and Exurban Areas (Human Wildlife Interactions Monograph Number 3; 2019)
Human-Black Bear Conflicts: A Review of Common Management Practices (Human Wildlife Interaction Monograph Number 2; 2018)
Proactive Strategies/Issues Management Handbook (1994)