
Conservation Education tutorials are freely accessible professional development supporting content and concepts in conservation education.

[links are currently down, but we are working on fixing them]

Overview of the North American Education Strategy
In this Tutorial, you will get an overview of the North American Conservation Education Strategy. You will become familiar with the Conservation Education Strategy for North America, in terms of purpose, characteristics, and implementation. The professional development you receive will enable you to use the Conservation Education strategy materials, including the conservation concepts, scope and sequence, best practices, as well as a framework for program development and evaluation.

Integrating Outdoor Skills into Formal Education
This tutorial consists of a series of readings and activities designed to acquaint you with the resources on outdoor skills provided by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency’s Conservation Education Strategy. It is designed to be completed individually, or with a group, over a period of time to allow participants to research information specific to their situation. Reflections and exercises are designed to help you begin the process of developing effective, sustainable partnerships between natural resource agencies and formal education that involve youth in outdoor skills.

Connecting Students, STEM and Standards through Field Investigations, Project Based Learning, and Systems Thinking
This tutorial format offers a simple set of modules that incorporate presentations, activities and reflections in order to acquaint you with the guides and teaching resources for using Standards based teaching, Field Investigations, Project-Based Learning, and Technology in your instructional activities. The materials were developed by the Pacific Education Institute (PEI) as part of the Conservation Education Strategy supported by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Each module contains readings and activities that can be completed individually or with a group. The self-paced nature of the tutorial allows you to take the time necessary to gain deeper understanding and put these concepts into practice. The presentations, activities and reflections in this tutorial will help you become more equipped to integrate the standards and best practices for field investigations, project-based learning and systems thinking in the classroom, schoolyard and local natural areas.