Association's Legislative Priorities for 2025-2028

Enact Legislation to Provide Sustained and Dedicated Funding for State Wildlife Action Plan Implementation 
Support legislation to expand and modernize the Wildlife Restoration Program by securing new sustained and predictable funding to proactively conserve over 12,000 species of greatest conservation need identified by State Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SFWA) to restore declining populations and prevent the need for endangered species listing. 

Maintain the Integrity of the Pittman- Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts
To sustain our outdoor traditions, make financial investments and fund the important work of our SFWAs that provide recreational, environmental, economic, societal and cultural benefits to our nation; support legislation that ensures equitable collection of excise tax fees including on products from foreign manufacturers; and expand the list of hunting and fishing related products that contribute to conservation through the Federal Excise Tax.

Focus Conservation Funding on Existing and Proven Grant Programs
Increase annual appropriations for the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program, North American Wetland Conservation Fund, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, and the National Fish Habitat Partnership to improve conservation for thousands of species of fish and wildlife.

Support State Fish and Wildlife Agencies in Addressing Wildlife Health Challenges
Promote a comprehensive and collaborative approach to addressing wildlife health issues by supporting legislation that directs federal collaboration with SFWAs and between federal agencies on zoonotic and wildlife health issues; facilitate voluntary partnerships via regional Centers for the Study and Diagnostics of Wildlife Diseases to provide technical assistance to states and tribes, conduct research and development, and provide diagnostic services to federal, state, and tribal agencies; fully fund the activities authorized under the CWD Research and Management Act and immediately initiate and convene the CWD interagency task force, and complete a comprehensive review of the USDA-APHIS Herd Certification Program and implement recommendations based on the findings of the review.

Fully Fund and Implement Conservation Programs Authorized by the 2018 Farm Bill, and its Successors
Advance voluntary, incentive-based conservation of natural resources on private lands that aid in the conservation of fish and wildlife habitat, prioritize fish and wildlife, aid in carbon sequestration, aid in the reduction of nutrients and sediment for the protection of aquatic resources and drinking water, and continue programs that provide public access to private lands for state and tribal public access programs for outdoor recreation.

Reauthorize the Sportfish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund 
Continue to support SFWA’s abilities to meet the needs of anglers and recreational boaters by reauthorizing the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Safety Trust Fund through reauthorization of the Transportation Bill.

Support Fish and Wildlife Habitat Connectivity through Wildlife Migration Corridors and Aquatic Organism Passage
Support legislation to improve wildlife crossings, habitat connectivity, and reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. Build on the work of Secretarial Order 3362, the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program and the success of Fish Passage funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Provide appropriate funding to maximize the effectiveness of National Fish Habitat Partnerships. Establish a permanent migratory corridors program through authorization legislation and appropriations, with assigned staff and adequate funding for research and habitat conservation and improvement projects by federal and state agencies, tribes, private landowners, and non-governmental organizations.

Sustain Federal Funding for Natural Resources and Environmental Programs that are Critical to the Effective Operation, Coordination and Support for State Agencies
Support strong budgets for applied fish and wildlife science in the USGS Cooperative Research Unit Program, as well as the USFWS Fish and Aquatic Conservation Program, Science Applications, Migratory Bird, National Wildlife Refuge System, and Ecological Services Programs.

Provide States with Tools to Address Emerging Threats​​​​​​​
Amend Section 42 of Title 18 of the Lacey Act to address the D.C. Circuit’s ruling in U.S. ARK, Inc. v. Zinke (2017) and once again prohibit interstate transport of injurious species; allow the Secretary of Interior to prescribe an emergency designation prohibiting the importation of any species deemed to be injurious; expand taxa groups under Title 18 to encompass the totality of species that are injurious; and fund and enact polices to support SFWAs in the battle against aquatic invasive species.

Support Public Hatcheries​​​​​​​
Create a federal grant program for repairing/replacing aging infrastructure and outdated technology in public hatcheries; address deferred maintenance backlog at federal hatcheries; and encourage technological innovation in hatchery methods and operations.

Conserve and Improve Fish Habitat
Support reauthorization of the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE Act). Support and encourage federal agency participation in the National Fish Habitat Partnership (including technical assistance funding in budget requests). Increase funding for the national fish passage program (NFPP) once BIL/IRA funding expires, as demand has not abated. Protect state 401 authorities and ensure that any hydropower permitting reforms do not come at the expense of fish and wildlife considerations, nor infringe on states’ mandatory conditioning authorities.

Coastal/Marine Conservation 
Provide adequate funding to the interstate fisheries commissions for fisheries data collection, habitat restoration, and interstate fisheries management. Support continued collaboration between NOAA MRIP and the state marine fisheries divisions/agencies to develop improved recreational catch and effort estimates. Support additional authorities for SFWA to address pinniped predation on ESA-listed fish species.

AFWA Contact
Kurt Thiede