Waterfowl Working Group

Committee Charge


  • Contribute to the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) 2012 Revision and 2018 Update to conserve priority landscapes for waterfowl habitat and to advance the human dimensions aspects of the Plan.
  • Advance policies, legislation, and funding initiatives (NAWCA and others) in support of wetland protection and restoration, with consideration of drought, water quality, and climate change issues.
  • Provide guidance and oversight for the Fall Flights program, including implementation of the recommendations of the President's Task Force on the Fall Flights Program report.
  • Initiate and support wetland and waterfowl habitat information sharing with Congress, state, federal, and NGO partners, and the public.

Minutes & Agendas

The Waterfowl Working Group meets two times per year at the AFWA Annual Meeting and the North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference. Meetings primarily focus on current issues relevant to wetlands, waterfowl habitat, implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) in Canada and the United States, and associated legislative, policy, and funding issues.

March 2024 North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Waterfowl Working Group - Draft Agenda

September 2024 Annual Meeting
Waterfowl Working Group - Draft Agenda (DRAFT)
Waterfowl Working Group - 2024-25 Work Plan (TBD)