Outreach & Marketing Working Group

Committee Charge

To continue to initiate public understanding, increase appreciation and relevancy of state fish and wildlife agencies while shaping long-term conservation behaviors of our natural resources through outreach and marketing.

Committee Contact Information

AFWA Staff Contact
Patricia Allen

Working Group Chair:
Tanna Fanshier, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks

Working Group Vice-Chair:
Christy Firestone, Nebraska Game & Parks


Making It Last Toolkit - This national conservation outreach strategy is an opportunity for each state agency to significantly increase awareness of its role in protecting and conserving wildlife among target audiences. This campaign toolkit makes specific recommendations on how states can approach and implement this effort using both nonpaid and paid media and includes a flexible creative approach, allowing states to use their own imagery and messaging relevant to specific goals.


Making It Last PowerPoint Presentation 

Making It Last - Pilot Projects Phase II Summary