Working Group Charge
Advise the Fish and Wildlife Health Committee on fish and wildlife health issues related to lead deposited into the environment as a result of hunting and fishing.
Provide a forum for exchanging information related to environmental effects of lead tackle and ammunition, nontoxic ammunition and tackle alternatives, and options for future regulation of the use of lead by hunters and anglers.
Identify funding needs and priorities to address information needs related to the use of lead ammunition and tackle and related environmental effects.
Provide guidance to state fish and wildlife agencies on future regulation of the use of lead for hunting and angling activities.
Minutes & Agendas
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group March 2016
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group September 2016
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group March 2018
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group September 2018
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group March 2019
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group September 2019
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group March 2020
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group September 2020
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group September 2023
AFWA Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health Working Group March 2024
Working Group Contact Information
Interim AFWA Staff:
Mark Humpert
Chair: Vacant
Current AFWA Lead Position Statement
Overview of Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health
Perspectives on Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health: Introductory Resources
AFWA Resolutions on Lead and Fish and Wildlife Health
Population-level Impacts from Lead Fishing Tackle Ingestion: A Literature Review