This resource compiles Best Management Practice documents, guidelines, or information related to direct, human-caused mortality of migratory birds. Many of the categories below can cause "incidental take," take that occurs as a result of an activity but that is not the purpose of the activity. The guidelines below are organized by threat and organized into reliability tiers using the following criteria:
Tier 1: Either the guidance document/best management practices document has been developed in collaboration with subject matter experts, OR the science behind the document has been peer-reviewed, OR subject matter experts/users have provided feedback on the effectiveness of the guidance.
Tier 2: Document is from a reputable source (for example, a federal government agency, or an NGO with subject matter experts on the topic) but reflects emerging guidance or policies to be considered, and may not yet be peer-reviewed or incorporate measures of effectiveness
Tier 3: Our subject matter experts are unfamiliar with the document or its source; peer review status or effectiveness matters are unknown. Document is provided for information purposes only; partners are encouraged to further evaluate source and potential validity before use.
Click on the arrow next to the threat type to view guidance for that threat.
Multiple Threats
Avoiding harm to migratory birds
Source: Environment Canada
Publication Year: 2019
Nationwide Standard Conservation Measures (FWS)
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: Unknown
Beneficial Practices for Compliance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act and Regulations
Source: Transportation Association of Canada
Publication Year: 2019
Cost: $169 CAD
Power Lines
Reducing Avian Collisions with Power Lines – The State of the Art in 2012
Source: Avian Powerline Interaction Committee
Publication Year: 2012
Reducing Avian Collisions with Power Lines – The State of the Art in 2006
Source: Avian Powerline Interaction Committee
Publication Year: 2006
Avian Protection Plan (App) Guidelines
Source: Avian Powerline Interaction Committee
Publication Year: 2005
Eagle Risk Framework A Practical Approach for Power LinesSource
Source: Avian Powerline Interaction Committee
Publication Year: 2018
Best Management Practices for Electric Utilities in Sage-Grouse Habitat
Source: Avian Powerline Interaction Committee
Publication Year: 2015
Wind Energy
USFWS Land Based Energy Guidelines
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2012
Worldwide Wind Guidelines. Metrics and methods – tools for assessing impacts to birds and bats and addressing episodic mortality events
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2011
Wind power siting, incentives, and wildlife guidelines in the United States. Jodi Stemler Consulting, Denver, CO
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2007
Guidelines for Information Requirements for a Renewable Energy Construction and Operations Plan
Source: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Publication Year: 2016
Wind Power Siting, Incentives, and Wildlife Guidelines in the United States
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2007
Wind energy: Great Lakes regional guidelines
Source: The Nature Conservancy
Publication Year: 2018
Bird-Smart Wind Energy
Source: American Bird Conservancy
Publication Year: 2019
Building and Glass
Reducing Bird Collisions with Buildings and Building Glass Best Practices
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2016
Best practices for data collection in studies of bird-window collisions
Source: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Migratory Bird Center
Publication Year: Unknown
Building and Glass Lunchroom Flyer
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: Unknown
Bird Safe Buildings Act
Publication Year: 2019
Communication Towers
Recommended Best Practices for Communication Tower Design, Siting, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Decommissioning
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2018
Opportunities to Reduce Bird Collisions with Communications Towers While Reducing Tower Lighting Costs
Source: Federal Communications Commission
Publication Year: 2017
Tower Owners: Save Birds! Save Money!
Source: Federal Communications Commission
Publication Year: 2017
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Conservation Opportunities Revisions to Federal Aviation Administration Obstruction Marking and Lighting Advisory Circular
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: 2016
Oil and Gas Operations
Contaminant Issues - Oil Field Waste Pits
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: circa 2009
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: unknown- 2009?
Fluid Minerals Operations Reducing Preventable Causes of Direct Wildlife Mortality
Source: Bureau of Land Management
Publication Year: 2012
Solar Energy
Birds and Solar Energy Best Practice Guidelines
Source: Birdlife South Africa
Publication Year: 2015 (Draft)
Preventing Bird Deaths at Solar Power Plants, Part 1
Source: Renewable Energy World
Publication Year: 2014
Preventing Bird Deaths at Solar Power Plants, Part 2
Source: Renewable Energy World
Publication Year: 2014
Open Pipes
Reducing Preventable Wildlife Mortalities BLM IM 2016-023
Source: Bureau of Land Management
Publication Date: 2016
Longline Fisheries and Marine Debris
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
Source: Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
Publication Year: 2018
Road Vehicles
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: Unknown
Don’t Let Your Cat Go AWOL
Source: Department of Defense
Publication Year: 2013
Companion Animal Model Ordinance
Source: American Bird Conservancy
Publication Year: Unknown
City of Aurora, Colorado Cat Restraint Law
Source: American Bird Conservancy
Publication Year: Unknown
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Year: Unknown